Tuesday 25 December 2012

Naked Love

Nude (i) {mixed media / cold-pressed 300gsm Fabriano / 100 x 150cm }
Nude (i) {mixed media / cold-pressed 300gsm Fabriano / 100 x 150cm } SOLD

Chalky gesso stained with night-black calligraphy ink, drying in deep swathes of rapid brushtrokes -- and between layers, I'll grab this writing time. Another commission, and this time - a portrait. Unclothed, intimate. A gesture for her lover, above his bed.
“For so many centuries, the exchange of gifts has held us together. It has made it possible to bridge the abyss where language struggles.”
― Barry Lopez, About This Life: Journeys on the Threshold of Memory
Entering into this gift exchange of theirs, I feel a strange discomfort. A necessary sort of intrusion. Without the involvement of the artist and her ability to capture a subject's external and internal likeness, this poetically loving gift wouldn't be possible. And so, unwittingly, I am witness to her devoted passion for this man she loves, and - I believe - will always love.
“It isn't possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.”
― E.M. Forster, A Room with a View
This is, without a doubt, a far less conflicted commission to undertake than the previous one which was almost a slap in the face, but one which I had no choice but to accept as smilingly and gratefully as possible - because, hell, quite simply, I needed the money. I have certain artist friends who refuse - in exaggerated (almost comical) revulsion at even being approached to undertake a commission of this sort. University cultivated this self-same aesthetic bigotry in me -- but it earned me nothing but confused friends and mindless arguments where egos and values clashed. Ugly. Life and its painful twists and exciting turns grows us, whether we like or not. Whether we even see it or not. And this is one particular area Life has gifted me a new perspective on.

 (I posted this blog-jot on my other website, Frou-Frou & Fish, by mistake because both blogs celebrate by examination: beauty, art and meaning.)
Nude (ii) {graphite / 300gsm Fabriano / 40 x 50cm } SOLD
Nude (ii) {graphite / 300gsm Fabriano / 40 x 50cm } SOLD